Friday, June 28, 2013

Why Weebly Websites Rock

I'm definitely always looking for cool new ways to be heard. One of the best ways I've found that I can be heard (and it doesn't cost anything) is to create a website that revolves around me being me.

One of the best ways I've been able to get heard is by creating a website with Weebly.

Considering it's popularity among some of the most well known magazines like Time and Forbes, I don't see how anyone can lose.

I have created a website there and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. I am still adding content but it's pretty much just the way I like it.

While I'm still adding content constantly, I know that I will be able to be heard by large groups of people not just here, but also via Weebly.

It's a pretty awesome site on it's own simply because of how easy it is to set up a website. They offer a simple drag and drop method which I love because although I hate to admit it, I'm not exactly great at coding and all that jazz.

The thing I love most about Weebly sites is that they allow you to create multiple blog pages on a single website which most other sites like Wordpress and Blogger won't let you do. If they do allow that, you have to create a code and alter the pre-existing code which gives me a headache just thinking about it.

You can create the amount of content you want and then publish your site (which I would recommend) or you can publish your site without much content (which I did) and keep adding to it every day to get more traffic.

You can also add your social profiles easily and create a contact form which is awesome if you're open to hearing customer feedback. You can even link to YouTube videos and when you're ready to take your site to the next level, you can register your domain with them as well.

If you're looking to be heard or have a service to offer, Weebly is a great road to take.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Team Edward VS. Team Jacob

I will admit it, I'm a Twilight fan. Not a HUGE Twilight fan, but a fan all the same.

It's actually a funny story about how I even came to know Twilight. I'd never read the books, I'd never even heard of this series until everyone made such a big freakin' deal about the movie!

I kept hearing "OMG, TWILIGHT IS COMING TO THEATHERS!!" I'm thinking "and?". I quickly learned to stop asking what Twilight was because although I'm not too proud to ask a question when I don't know the answers, I got tired of people (mostly women) looking at me like I had two heads.

I didn't read the book. I wasn't that curious. I knew the basics: A story involving love, vampires and werewolves.

Picking My Team

Ok, long story short, I eventually watched Twilight and read the book. I read enough to to be able to pick my team.

I'm a Team Jacob fan. Why? I'm just a sucker for a guy with awesome eyes and tan skin I guess. I like a guy who's more understanding and one of the things I enjoy in relationships is being held and being offered warmth. Sorry, Edward has a bad attitude and is cold in every way

Team Rivalry

I'm not going to fight about which team is better. Other people do that enough. As I was headed to the movie theater to see Twilight: New Moon, there was an ambulance outside the theater and a girl that was screaming "She's wrong, she's WRONG!"

I thought she was crazy. Actually, I still do. As I got closer (what? I'd already bought my ticket there was no sense in turning back now, plus I was curious) it became clear what had happened.

Two girls started talking crap about each other because they were on opposing Twilight teams. Seriously? Ok, I'm all about a little competition and talking crap, but that's when it comes to football and there's no way in hell I'd be physically fighting with someone simply because they disagree about who's team is better.

What is the world coming to? Fighting over celebrities that don't even know you exist as an individual? No, let me correct myself: Fighting over fictional character roles being carried out by celebrities that don't even know you exist as an individual? CRAZY!

Anyway, I'm on Team Jacob and that's that. If you disagree, awesome, but don't expect me to throw a punch over it!

Playstation 4 Has Arrived

Oh snap! Sony is bringing out the big guns (again) and they've finally created the Playstation 4! This is awesome! I saw this one coming the moment they introduced the Playstation 3 and as a Sony fan, I'm happy.

What's New?

Ok, with this new system coming out I had to do some research on what was under the hood of the new system and here's what I found:

  • Dynamic, connected gaming
  • Second screen features
  • Digital entertainment apps
  • Playstation exclusives
  • Remote play (what?! that's awesome)
  • Personalized content
I'm excited and you can bet your butt I'm getting mine. Unfotunately, the PS4 doesn't allow gamers to play PS3 games on this system (which is one thing I like so much about the PS3: I can play games from PS2 on them) so I wouldn't throw my PS3 away (I think it's all part of their plan) anytime soon.

With the PS4 (standard edition) you can expect to get:

  • PS4 System (Jet Black)
  • Dual shock 4 Wireless controller
  • HDMI Cable
  • Power Cable
  • Wired Mono Headset (nice! you can now allow your buddies to hear you call them idiots because their playing skills suck)
  • USB Charging Cable
I'm sure Sony will make me happy with their new system as they usually do. I just really hope their selection of games improve this time around.

Some of Sony's best games were for the Playstation 1 and 2 so I definitely think they need to step up their "A Game" and offer the player's some serious gaming variety.

For those of you who have been awaiting this moment: Playsation 4 Has Arrived.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Who Is Sheldon Cooper?

Who is Sheldon Cooper
This is the question I asked myself after becoming addicted to The Big Bang Theory which airs on TBS pretty much every night of the week.

My favorite character is a science geek named Sheldon Cooper. He also seems to have a major form of OCD that not even a doctor can help him with. He's picky, analytic and sometimes he really is just a party pooper. Actually, he's always a party pooper.

No one wants to hang around him and he reminds me of a robot when he speaks, not to mention his inability to socialize with people without coming off as bossy, rude and way too blunt for words.

So, Who IS Sheldon Cooper?

Sheldon Cooper is (other than what I've described) played by homosexual actor, Jim Parsons. He's not a nobody, even though most don't recognize his face or his role as Sheldon Cooper.

He actually won a Golden Globe for Best TV Actor and makes a reported $200,000 per episode!

Reaching New Heights

I think Jim does a great job with his role on The Big Bang Theory and if the show ever pulled a Two and A Half Men switch on me I'd abandon it all together, however, I would like to seem him in some other roles.

I could be wrong, but I think he's a great actor and I definitely see him pulling off some awesome roles in larger films. I think he's one of those actors that needs a lot more credit for what he's accomplished.

Some actors kind of stick to certain roles and I'm not sure what kind of personality he has in reality, but I'm wondering if he's open to picking up some new scripts and jumping into something a lot different than the role he has become known for.

Call it wishful thinking, but I could definitely see him getting an Oscar provided Sheldon Cooper hasn't become such a success simply because this is close to Jim Parson's real personality. I just can't imagine that though, but who knows? He could have me fooled! He is, afterall, an actor.

50 Shades of Grey: My Take

Yes, I'm sure there are tons of posts and blogs and websites that covered this book a long time ago. Well, consider me late. I didn't even read this book until after I kept seeing news reports on tv about how 50 Shades of Grey helped save peoples' marriages. With that claim in mind, I had to read it.

I'm not into purchasing books based just on reputation without doing some review searching, but I made an exception for this one. I'm not married by any means, but I was just curious. Definitely curious.

First Glance

So I headed to my local bookstore to find this book, only to discover they were sold out and that I'd have to order it. I did.

When I finally got the book and read the back of it I was thinking "Ok, sounds like a romance mixed with a thriller. I'm sold."

The Story

Once I finally started reading 50 Shades of Grey, I was disappointed. I was hoping the story would be a lot less romantic (if that's what you want to call it) and more exciting (i.e: missing people, blood, dead bodies with no suspect yet) but it wasn't. It was a drag and I was bored while reading it. It was very repetitive and although I never toss a book in the trash before I'm done reading it (it's just a rule of mine) I knew by the time I was done reading it I would want my life back.

Surprise, surprise!

This book isn't large by any means (thank goodness) but it literally took me 2 weeks to finish it! It was that bad. However, I finally made it to the end. Surprisingly, I couldn't wait to get the second one!

Somewhere between the middle of the book and the end, there was evidence of something exciting happening. No, not the crazy "romance", but the story was finally starting to unfold. There were too many questions that I wanted answered like "What REALLY happened to this guy?" and "Who did THAT?"

It was a very long, torturous buildup but 50 Shades of Grey definitely may have been one of the best purchases I've made in the past year.

I guess I'm a sucker for surprises.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cops (The TV Show)

I'm A Fan

I'm a boob tube watcher so it's a given
that I enjoy Cops. If you're not sure what this is, I'd first like to ask you where the hell have YOU been, but then I will also say it's a tv show that airs on TruTv ("not reality, actuality"). I'm not sure what station it originally aired on (it's an old show) but I've been watching this show since I was a kid (I'm only 24, but still) and the show first aired in 1989!

Pleasant Surprise

I never would have thought I'd like to watch a show about law enforcement officers that are followed around by cameras to show the world what life as a cop is like. Somehow, though, I find this entertaining.
My favorite Cops episodes are definitely the ones centered around tasing. There's nothing funnier than watching a criminal talk smack with a deep voice only to be screaming like a school girl the second he tries to bail.

Over the Years

It's been great watching the show develop over the years with more offensive crimes being caught on improved camera quality. Let's face it, watching Cops in the early 90's was great then, but since technology improved the home video camera (seems that's their product of choice) it's gotten a lot more interesting.
Somehow the show manages to live on, even with the questionable camera quality and cliche "heartfelt" stories the officers tell about how much they love their job and how they started.

Perhaps it's the "caught on tape" quality of the show that is addictive. Perhaps it reminds me of childhood so I keep watching it as my subconscious mind reminisces about the past. I'm not sure.
I'm impressed, nonetheless. There aren't a lot of shows around today still shooting new footage that can say they've been around since 1989.

Kudos to the producers for making my evenings just a little more entertaining each night and keeping the theme song (and the show) alive for so long.